About the Los Alamos Opera Guild
The Los Alamos Opera Guild is looking forward to an active year. As the first and oldest Guild of The Santa Fe Opera (founded in 1957) we have enjoyed a long history of supporting the company and seeing it grow. We have become very involved in the Los Alamos community as seen in the photo of our particpation in the Los Alamos County Fair. (Longtime guild members John and June Warren carry the banner.)
In particular, after the 2011 summer fire we held a “Thanks to Los Alamos Heroes” gathering where LANL Director Dr. Charles McMillan thanked the group, which included SFO General Director, Charles MacKay, as well as a performance by SFO Apprentice Singers, Maria Lindsey, and Matthew Holloway.
Check out our Current Events and Past Events pages for more information about Los Alamos Opera Guild events. |